Are you noticing signs and symptoms that might be indicative of neuropathy? Neuropathy, also referred to as peripheral neuropathy, affects the sensory and motor nerves throughout the body. At our chiropractic clinic in Fort Collins, Colorado, it's quite common for patients to initially experience these symptoms in their extremities, such as the hands, arms, legs, and feet. This condition is known as Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy.
Autonomic neuropathy impacts the automatic nerves responsible for vital bodily functions like breathing, perspiration, and heart rate regulation. When affected, patients may experience:
Mononeuropathy manifests as issues in a single nerve, resulting in specific symptoms such as:
If you are experiencing abnormal pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms, legs, wrists, ankles, hands, or feet, it is crucial to consult a doctor promptly. Early diagnosis can help manage the condition and potentially prevent further damage. Additionally, seek medical attention if you encounter sleep disturbances, symptoms of depression, or if a small cut on an extremity appears slow to heal. The team at Advanced Healthcare Chiropractic in Fort Collins, CO, is dedicated to providing assistance and support in addressing these concerns.
2531 S Shields St #2h
Fort Collins, CO 80526
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